Abdo Joody Bold

Abdo Joody Bold is a Bold Type Fonts. It is downloaded 5467 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of Abdo Joody Bold font.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Abdo Joody Bold is a modern Arabic typeface that combines both elegance and strength. Its bold, clean lines make it perfect for headlines, titles, and other design elements where attention is required. The font is designed with unique characteristics that capture the essence of Arabic typography while ensuring readability and style. Whether used for digital or print projects, Abdo Joody Bold brings a contemporary touch to any design, making it suitable for a variety of applications from branding to advertising. With its strong visual presence, Abdo Joody Bold is ideal for projects that demand clarity and impact. The font’s well-balanced structure ensures legibility, even in larger texts, while maintaining an artistic flair. This typeface can be used in a range of industries, from tech to fashion, offering a distinctive look that sets it apart. Its versatility and modern appeal make it a go-to choice for designers who want to create memorable and visually striking content.

Font Information

Font Name Abdo Joody Bold
Font Version Version 2.009
Font Style Bold
Weight 700
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Preview & Print
Font Tags Abdo Joody Bold
Number of Glyphs 443
Font File Size 73.01 KB
Total Downloads 5467
Font Rating 0/5

🔠Abdo Joody Bold Character Map

Abdo Joody Bold Character Map