Aayat Quraan_042 Regular

Aayat Quraan_042 Regular is a Regular Type Fonts. It is downloaded 164 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of Aayat Quraan_042 Regular font.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Aayat Quraan_042 Regular is a beautifully crafted Arabic font that captures the elegance and authenticity of traditional calligraphy. Designed to maintain the essence of classical Arabic script, this font is ideal for Islamic texts, Quranic verses, and religious publications. The smooth curves and well-balanced letterforms ensure readability, making it a preferred choice for designers, scholars, and publishers. Whether used in print or digital media, Aayat Quraan_042 Regular enhances the visual appeal of Arabic typography while preserving its cultural and historical significance. This font seamlessly blends tradition with modernity, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from book covers to website headings. Its refined strokes and structured composition create a harmonious reading experience, ensuring clarity and elegance in every word. With support for diacritical marks, Aayat Quraan_042 Regular is perfect for accurately displaying Quranic verses and other religious texts. Whether you are working on an educational project, a religious website, or a creative design, this font brings authenticity and sophistication to your work.

Font Information

Font Name Aayat Quraan_042 Regular
Font Version Version 1.00 July 25, 2014, initial release
Font Style Regular
Weight 400
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Unknown
Font Tags Aayat Quraan_042 Regular
Number of Glyphs 26
Font File Size 239.79 KB
Total Downloads 164
Font Rating 0/5

πŸ” Aayat Quraan_042 Regular Character Map

Aayat Quraan_042 Regular Character Map