Aayat Quraan_039 Regular

Aayat Quraan_039 Regular is a Regular Type Fonts. It is downloaded 2595 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of Aayat Quraan_039 Regular font.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Aayat Quraan_039 Regular is a beautifully designed Arabic font that captures the elegance and clarity of traditional Quranic calligraphy. Ideal for religious texts, scholarly works, and creative projects, this font ensures readability while maintaining a classic aesthetic. The smooth curves and balanced strokes make it perfect for digital and print use, preserving the authenticity of Arabic script. Whether you're designing Islamic literature, educational materials, or artistic typography, Aayat Quraan_039 Regular offers a refined and professional look that enhances the visual appeal of any content. This font stands out for its meticulous detailing, ensuring each character aligns with classical Arabic calligraphy standards. With a well-structured design, it provides a seamless reading experience, making it ideal for Quranic verses and religious applications. Aayat Quraan_039 Regular supports various diacritic marks, ensuring proper pronunciation and linguistic accuracy. Its versatility makes it a preferred choice for designers, publishers, and content creators looking to maintain authenticity while delivering visually appealing Arabic typography.

Font Information

Font Name Aayat Quraan_039 Regular
Font Version Version 1.00 July 25, 2014, initial release
Font Style Regular
Weight 400
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Unknown
Font Tags Aayat Quraan_039 Regular
Number of Glyphs 26
Font File Size 232.78 KB
Total Downloads 2595
Font Rating 0/5

πŸ” Aayat Quraan_039 Regular Character Map

Aayat Quraan_039 Regular Character Map