Aayat Quraan 5 Regular

Aayat Quraan 5 Regular is a Regular Type Fonts. It is downloaded 6364 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of Aayat Quraan 5 Regular font.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Aayat Quraan 5 Regular is a beautifully designed Arabic font that is perfect for showcasing the sacred verses of the Quran. This font is meticulously crafted to maintain the clarity and legibility of the text, making it ideal for use in various religious and educational contexts. Its traditional style respects the heritage of Arabic calligraphy while offering a modern twist, ensuring that every word of the Quran is presented with reverence and readability. Whether you’re designing a Quranic publication, educational material, or digital project, "Aayat Quraan 5 Regular" ensures that the script remains true to its original beauty. This font is not only suitable for traditional use but also provides an elegant solution for digital platforms. The clean lines and balanced proportions make "Aayat Quraan 5 Regular" an excellent choice for website designs, mobile applications, and e-learning resources focused on Islamic content. Its high readability on both large and small screens ensures that users have an engaging experience, whether reading on a desktop or smartphone. The versatile nature of this font guarantees that it can be integrated seamlessly into various types of projects, preserving the sacredness of Quranic text while enhancing the user’s experience.

Font Information

Font Name Aayat Quraan 5 Regular
Font Version Version 1.20 July 5, 2014
Font Style Regular
Weight 400
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Installable
Font Tags Aayat Quraan Regular
Number of Glyphs 26
Font File Size 278.41 KB
Total Downloads 6364
Font Rating 0/5

🔠Aayat Quraan 5 Regular Character Map

Aayat Quraan 5 Regular Character Map