Aayat Quraan 12 Regular

Aayat Quraan 12 Regular is a Regular Type Fonts. It is downloaded 570 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of Aayat Quraan 12 Regular font.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Aayat Quraan 12 Regular is a beautiful and refined Arabic font, designed to capture the essence of traditional calligraphy with a modern twist. Perfect for those seeking to highlight Quranic verses, religious texts, or any content related to Islamic culture, this font embodies the spiritual depth and elegance found in the sacred script. Its balanced and smooth strokes make it easy to read, ensuring that each letter flows seamlessly into the next while preserving the authenticity of the Arabic language. Whether used in print or digital formats, Aayat Quraan 12 Regular stands as a symbol of artistic sophistication and respect for Islamic heritage. With its versatile design, Aayat Quraan 12 Regular is ideal for use in a variety of mediums. From Islamic publications, websites, and digital media to print banners, posters, and books, this font ensures that your content is presented with clarity and beauty. The harmonious proportions and clear readability allow it to stand out in both small and large text, making it a valuable asset for anyone working with Arabic typography. Whether you are designing religious materials or creating a more contemporary look for your project, Aayat Quraan 12 Regular serves as an exceptional choice for showcasing Arabic calligraphy.

Font Information

Font Name Aayat Quraan 12 Regular
Font Version Version 1.20 July 5, 2014
Font Style Regular
Weight 400
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Installable
Font Tags Aayat Quraan 12 Regular
Number of Glyphs 26
Font File Size 234.69 KB
Total Downloads 570
Font Rating 0/5

πŸ” Aayat Quraan 12 Regular Character Map

Aayat Quraan 12 Regular Character Map